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Inspirational, informative and thought provoking, our blog includes daily practices, yoga techniques, recipes and reflections on current and ancient trends in yoga.
CategoryTias Articles & Interviews


Yogis In Arms

Yoga teachings espouse don’t be angry, don’t be bothered. But in the midst of the outrageous acts that have transpired in the last weeks, acts that are vile, cruel, and stupid, it would be downright strange not to feel indignation over what has happened. And that is the best word, indignity. …

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Strange Wonder

Transitioning from a routine of certainty to a place of not knowing is an arduous and daunting task. At some point, the spiritual path requires a leap into the unknown outside the framework of the familiar. Moving into unchartered territory demands that we trust, have courage, and be willing to …

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Alchemy + Aim